Posts tagged speaker tips
10 Tips for a Great Speech at the Holiday Party

Just in time for the holidays, re-posting our all-time most popular blog with a few updates for 2023. Happy holidays everyone!

Ah, the office holiday party. It conjures punchlines of poor wardrobe choices and over-served sales reps. But in reality, it’s one of the more dignified traditions to survive the modern work world.

And for bosses, it’s a moment that calls for reminding everyone why they’re drinking (or at least eating) on the company tab. Rather than viewing this speech as an obligation, bosses should embrace it as an opportunity to set the tone for the coming year with remarks that make them feel both appreciated and appreciative.

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Really, No Questions?

You had them on the edge of their seats the whole talk. They nodded at your insights and laughed at your jokes. But suddenly, when you announce you’ll take questions….crickets. What seemed to be a soaring success suddenly feels more like a flop. Though it’s hard not to feel the audience is using its silence to give you the hook, don’t dash off just yet.

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